Global Volunteer Month Webinar on YouTube
Global Volunteer Month Kick-Off Event
"Stepping Out, Volunteering - Get to Know Our Community Partners!"
Hands On Tokyo "Global Volunteer Month Kickoff Event" Webinar was held on April 2nd. The recorded video is now available on our YouTube channel.
This webinar was entitled "Stepping Out, Volunteering - Get to Know Our Community Partners!" Hands On Tokyo's community partners told about their areas of expertise, and was attended by 48 people. We would be happy if this event could be your first step toward volunteering.
*Engage for Constructive Change!!
What is the SDGs? What is Volunteering? What Special Needs Children Need?
I'm interested, but what should I do?
*Online Webinar Contents*
Children's Home
- Kohei Sato (Facility Manager, Children’s Home “Kibo no ie”)
- Kazuyuki Imamura (Director and office manager of NPO Arakawa River Clean-aid Forum)
Special Needs
- Taro Oha (Principal, Aiiku Gakuen)
- Yoshiya Hino (Motor Development Program Manager, NPO Special Olympics Nippon Tokyo)
■Information for our Global Volunteer Month Activities
■Volunteer Opportunities