Youth Volunteer
Youth Impact Program
Hands On Tokyo’s "Youth Impact," our Youth Leadership Network, is a group of student leaders from high schools and universities in the Greater Tokyo area. By helping them take the initiative to create and execute volunteer projects, we provide these future leaders the opportunity to experience for themselves the issues in their communities.
About Youth Impact
In 2017, Hands On Tokyo established the Youth Impact program with the goal of empowering college and high school students to be facilitators of positive social change throughout Japan. In addition to volunteer opportunities offered through the Hands On Tokyo website, we invite our committed youth to become leaders at our regular programs and create their own project with our community partners. While they establish new relationships and activities in the field, the Youth Impact staff are training our youth to be self-sufficient and confident leaders.
Our ultimate goal is that by the time students have completed their studies, they have the knowledge and skills to continue the impactful work they started with us, and become mentors for other youth who are just starting out. We hope that this structure of empowerment and awareness spreading is sustainable for generations to come.
[Contact] Hands On Tokyo "Youth Impact Program"
TEL: 03-3583-2135 / FAX: 03-3583-2127 / E-mail:
■Youth Impact Instagram